Student Exam Support (SES)

Stressed about your exams? Need a break from your studies? UQU has got you covered!


Unwind with our mid-semester wellness program!

Your student union is here to take the pressure off this busy study season! UQU Student Rights Collective is hosting a free space of retreat from uni life, with board games, bean bags, arts and craft, energy drinks, and even a live DJ thanks to Red Bull! 😎 

Head to the Holt Room at St Lucia anytime from 11am-3pm on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday during Weeks 7 and 8 (that’s 9-11 and 16-18 April). Plus, Student Advocacy & Support (SAS) will have a pop up stall here each day, with our advocates ready to answer your burning academic and wellbeing questions (plus many others you may have about your studies!).


Fuelling your study seshes with FREE brain food 🍌🍪

Keep an eye out for our volunteers who are doing snack trolley runs during Sem 1 Weeks 7 and 8! Nibblies and drinks will be rollin’ around on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 1pm and 6pm across all libraries on the St Lucia campus.  

we've got your back

Our Student Advocacy and Support (SAS) team can assist on matters relating to the following:

SES Freak-Out Phone

Need to talk to someone?

Call our SES Freak-Out Phone on 0404106173* or Student Advocacy and Support (SAS) on 3377 2200.

*Freak-Out Phone available ONLY during UQ exam weeks from 7:30am-6:30pm.

Exam FAQs

Brought to you by Student Advocacy and Support (SAS)

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Student Exam Support