Pronouns 101

Pronouns 101

Pronouns are linked to a person’s identity; using the right pronoun = respecting a person’s identity.

Understanding Gender and Sexuality

Understanding Gender and Sexuality

It can be confusing differentiating between the definitions of Gender and Sexuality and how they relate to a person’s identity. Gender, sexuality and your identity respectively relate to your physical, mental and emotional state.

What Does LGBTIQA+ Mean?

It can be confusing differentiating between the definitions of Gender and Sexuality and how they relate to a person’s identity. Gender, sexuality and your identity respectively relate to your physical, mental and emotional state.

Stress Less & Colour In

Stress Less & Colour In

Colouring in is not just for kids anymore. In fact, in the last few years, colouring in for adults has become a hugely popular form of mindufulness and relaxation. Check out our UQ theme colouring in sheet!

Recognising the Signs of Stress

Recognising the Signs of Stress

Recognising the signs of stress in your own body might be new to you. But, you’re not alone. Stress can have all kinds of crazy effects on your body that many people don’t even realise are stress related.

Impacts of Social Media on Mental Health

Impacts of Social Media on Mental Health

Humans are social creatures; we need social interaction in order to thrive. Plenty of research suggests that these social interactions have a huge impact on our mental health and levels of happiness. When we have healthy social connections it decreases our stress, improves our self-image, decreases feelings of isolation and contributes to a better overall feeling of wellbeing.

Healthy Social Media Use in Quarantine

Social media is a real lifesaver while in quarantine. It helps to keep us connected with friends and family, it gives us an escape from the boredom of isolation and social distancing, it helps us to stay up to date with new information regarding COVID-19 and ever evolving laws and regulations. 

Keeping a Positive Mindset in Quarantine

Looking after your mental health while in COVID-19 quarantine is important. Being stuck indoors, worrying about things that are happening in the world can make it easy to fall into an unhelpful headspace. Sometimes the simple act of refocusing your attention to the positives, finding the beauty in what we have and enjoying all the small things that still exist for us day to day is a good way to redirect your headspace to something more positive.

Ways to Look After Yourself in Quarantine

Ways to Look After Yourself in Quarantine

Quarantine can be an isolating time. It can be easy to become a couch potato; watching Netflix and spending all day falling down social media rabbit holes. It disrupts your routines, and for some people can make them feel anxious about everything that is going on in the world creating an unhelpful mindset. 

Practicing Mindfulness in Quarantine

Practicing Mindfulness in Quarantine

While we adjust to our temporary new normal with social distancing and self-isolation measures, you may be feeling more stressed or anxious. One way you can help to ease these feelings of anxiousness is by practicing mindfulness. You can use mindfulness when you are starting to recognise you are getting feelings of stress to ground yourself and get out of the unhelpful headspace and more present in the current moment.